
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Pregnancy Bumpdate: The First Two Months

One of the things I've enjoyed most this pregnancy is looking back on the journal entries I made when I was pregnant with Liam and noting similarities and differences.  I find my entries too sparse and brief in retrospect so I'm going to attempt to do pregnancy updates (bumpdates if you will) like some of my fellow bloggers.  I doubt I could keep up with a weekly one and I also don't think there'd be too much exciting or different to share that often so I've decided on a monthly update.  For now though, I'll roll the first two into one.

This pregnancy is already different in that we're coming into it with a recent miscarriage and months of trying to conceive in between.  In the preceding months, I had taken numerous pregnancy tests and I was down to my last one so I was determined to wait to test until I could know for sure that a negative meant that we were out another month.  On the morning of March 23rd, the day before my period was due, I began to notice that my usual pre-period symptoms were missing.  So, unable to wait any longer, I used that last test, an "internet cheapie" as they are lovingly called and saw this:

Yep, that's the faintest possible shadow of a second purple line. My gut knew it was positive because I had seen a lot of negatives in the last few months.  But my scientific side needed stronger evidence. The hubby saw the line too but agreed that it was definitely questionable. He said waiting a few days then testing again would be best.  I knew he was right, but...Did I mention I'm IMPATIENT?  And that my husband is sweet and understanding?  I lasted until the afternoon then went out and bought a First Response Early Result.  I was nervous when I took it, but that didn't last long thankfully. Pretty much instantly these two beautiful pink lines popped up.

We were both ecstatic and there was some happy dancing involved ;).

With Liam, we waited until I was 6 weeks along to tell our families and 10 weeks (after 2 ultrasounds) to tell the world.  With our miscarriage, we hadn't told anyone and I was about 5 weeks.  It was awful sharing the bad news without ever having a chance to share the good news.  So this time, we told our immediate family the same night we found out.  We Skyped them with Liam wearing his "Keep Calm I'm going to be a big BROTHER" shirt.  It was perfect!

With Liam, miscarriage was a worry but it felt far away like all the other horrible things that can and do happen to people.  This time, the fear was strong and real.  I probably took 6 total pregnancy tests--a poor woman's quantitative hCG test.  I loved watching the test line darken and the control line begin to disappear.  But as such things go, the last one I took, the control line became darker and the test line fainter so I really just gave myself another reason to freak out.

I read things online about other people having similar things happen when hCG levels got high enough.  It's called the "dilution effect", but it really doesn't make a lot of sense to me to this day.  I didn't find it super reassuring as a result.  On top of that, my nausea came and went around that time.  The fainter test plus the disappearing nausea made me worry.  I had a "pregnancy confirmation" on April 9th (the day after the fainter test) and the nurse offered me a quantitative hCG to reassure me. It came back at 40,000 and for 6 weeks that seemed great.  I had my scientific reassurance and I was finally able to push my fears to the back of my mind.

I had my first ultrasound at 8 weeks and we shared our big news with everyone that same day.

Lots of back story this time since it's the first one but let's get into the bumpdating shall we?

How far along today: 9 weeks+ 5 days

Baby size:  At 9 weeks, the baby was the size of a green olive, approximately 1 inch and growing fast!

Trimester: First and so ready to move onward and upward out of the nausea/exhaustion months!

Gender: No telling yet but I look forward to trying out all of the wives' tales just for fun (I'll do a post on the predictions afterward).  I can see the perks of a brother for Liam and being able to reuse clothes too but I'd love to have tutus and hairbows in our future too.

Movement: None that this Mommy can feel yet but ready to feel something soon.  That is by far my favorite part of pregnancy!

Cravings: Yogurt, ice cream, sour candy, chocolate, and BBQ Lays potato chips (pretty much bad-for-me foods)

Aversions: Pretty much all real food whenever a wave of nausea hits.  Heavy meats seem to settle worst with me.  Korean food (usually my favorite) made me very sick last week.

The Not So Fun Pregnancy Stuff:  Hunger and nausea sometimes simultaneously or rapidly following each other, in no particular order (so confusing!). Gas and bloating was insane at first but seems to be settling down finally.  And unbelievable exhaustion (though the second month was spent in the PICU so that may have something to do with it).  Mood swings are strong and tears seem to be involved more often than not--happy tears, angry tears, sad name it!

Most exciting moments: Seeing the baby and hearing the heartbeat on ultrasound at 8 weeks then finding the heartbeat with my home doppler at 8 weeks + 4 days.

What I'm most looking forward to: The 12 week ultrasound.  I love seeing the baby and hearing the heartbeat but I'm also excited to try out a few gender wives' tales for fun (more on that later) ;).

Big Brother: We don't think he has any idea yet and it's kind of fun to see him smiling in his big brother shirt knowing that the significance is lost on him.  He has been very very clingy this last week though so a part of me wonders if he somehow knows more than we think!

Picture:  No bump to show off yet and I'll spare you my bloat but I'll start those next month!  I'll share our first ultrasound picture instead. It's a camera phone snapshot of the screen but it's baby's first picture!

I'd like send a special thank you to Alli at Beautiful Family Affairs for the inspiration of these posts!

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